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(2022) Module 2: Effectively supporting treatment adherence.

Modern therapy for type 2 diabetes brings many benefits to patients – but only if it is followed. Doctor Bá Thanh-Trúc Ngô from Centramed Liestal showed in her live webinar on September 8 how health literacy can be strengthened and thus reduce the risk of secondary diseases. Click here to access the webcast and follow up with the training questions.
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(2022) Module 3: Multifactorial therapy is the key

Addressing all cardio-renal risk factors is worthwhile. In her live webinar on October 27, 2022, Prof. Isabella Sudano from the University Hospital Zurich showed how essential it is to effectively protect the heart and kidneys of diabetes patients and whichr is the right therapeutic approach for this. Click here to access the webcast and follow up with the training questions.