This content is machine translated Obesity Possibilities of nutritional therapy The prevalence of people with overweight and obesity in Europe is almost 60%, and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that obesity is (partly) responsible for around 1.2 million deaths...… CME-Test
View Post 9 min This content is machine translated Lifestyle interventions Risk factors for non-compliance Diet is one of the most influential risk factors for metabolic, cardiovascular and several other disease groups. Optimizing nutrition is therefore of enormous importance in prevention and therapy. For the...… CME-Test
View Post 5 min This content is machine translated Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Diabetes as a highly significant risk factor for severity RSV is a common pathogen not only in older seniors over 65 years of age, but also in middle-aged patients between 50 and 64 years of age. In older adults...…
View Post 5 min This content is machine translated Respiratory syncytial virus Unholy alliance of asthma and RSV In asthma patients, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections can lead to an exacerbation of the disease by infecting the epithelial layer of the airways and triggering a subsequent immune response....…
View Post 3 min This content is machine translated Addiction prevention Risk reduction in the focus of a sensitive addiction policy The consumption of psychoactive products harbors risks. The new report “Regulating risks” now lists for the first time the 26 ways in which hazards can be minimized by law. Addictive...…
View Post 3 min This content is machine translated Urinary tract infections Uncomplicated cystitis – indication for antibiotics? The number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is increasing worldwide, making antibiotic stewardship a global challenge. For classic bacterial infections, it is increasingly recommended to carefully consider whether antibiotics are necessary. Urinary...…
View Post 4 min This content is machine translated From symptom to diagnosis Abdominal pain – cystadenoma and teratoma of the ovary Cystadenomas are benign epithelial tumors that grow like glands and form cysts. Mature teratomas of the ovary are benign neoplasms from various cotyledons and can exhibit different phenotypes. Cystadenomas often...…
View Post 4 min This content is machine translated How can adherence be promoted? New review provides evidence-based tips In a literature review published in JEADV Clinical Practice 2024, a team from the Center for Dermatology Research at Wake Forest University School of Medicine (North Carolina, USA) summarized the...…
View Post 7 min This content is machine translated Primary biliary cholangitis Therapy slows down liver damage Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic, progressive liver disease that usually affects women in the second half of life. It is often an incidental finding, especially as more than...…
View Post 5 min This content is machine translated Rheumatoid arthritis Using predictors to improve therapy management A few years ago, the EULAR agreed on a definition for “difficult-to-treat” rheumatoid arthritis (RA).The reasons for multiple treatment failures are not yet fully understood. Research projects are trying to...…