Last year, 200 people became organ donors after their death, more than ever before. The number of people who received an organ also reached an all-time high: 675 people received an often life-saving organ, 110 of them from a living donation. Despite the increase in the number of donations, the waiting list remains long: 1391 people were waiting for an organ at the end of 2023.
The number of organ donors in Switzerland rose from 164 to 200 in 2023. 584 post-mortem donated organs and 110 living donated organs were transplanted. In total, 675 people received an organ transplant – 105 more than in the previous year. Kidneys were transplanted most frequently, followed by livers. The number of people on the waiting list has also fallen slightly: at the end of 2023, 1391 people were waiting for at least one organ (2022: 1442). For more than half of the people on the waiting list, however, a transplant was out of the question for health reasons.
In 2022, the electorate voted in favor of a change in the organ donation system, from a consent to an objection system. This means that in future everyone will be considered a donor. Anyone who does not wish to donate organs and tissue after death should make a note of this. The federal government is setting up a new register as the basis for this system change. Access to this is planned via the state E-ID, which is currently being discussed in parliament. As soon as the E-ID is available, the register can be launched. In order to give the population enough time to register, the objection regulation will not come into force until six months later, probably in 2026. The system change will be accompanied by broad media information and a new public campaign.
Make and document the decision
Very often, the will of a deceased person is not known. In this difficult situation, the relatives must then deduce the presumed will and make a decision on their behalf, which can be stressful. With their campaign “Rules instead of postponement: organ donation”, the FOPH and Swisstransplant want to motivate people to make a decision and record it: in an organ donation card, a living will or in the electronic patient file.
The campaign website provides the public with comprehensive information on the subject of organ donation and expressing one’s wishes (brochures, organ donation card, information films and background reports). The materials can be downloaded in various languages or ordered free of charge.
InFo ONKOLOGIE & HÄMATOLOGIE 2024; 12(1): 40 (published on 13.3.24, ahead of print)